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Ensuring exceptional education

Washington and Lee is a place where talented young people come to expand their understanding and ignite their curiosity. The Leading Lives of Consequence campaign will strengthen our interdisciplinary curriculum that unites the liberal arts and preprofessional programs, and enables students to engage in rigorous scholarship while preparing for a successful career and consequential life.

W&L students demonstrate inspiring resilience and dedication, and they deserve the support of a large community behind them. Campaign contribu­tions strengthen the foundation that undergirds the W&L experience, providing additional tools and services for students to help them achieve their potential.

Because nearly a third of first-year college students and almost three-quarters of law school students nationwide struggle with mental health, the university will invest heavily in facilities and programs that support our students’ wellness. W&L will also enhance pathways to success after graduation through mento­ring, career, and professional development programs that help students and young alumni transform the skills gained here into meaningful outcomes beyond Lexington.

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